Calgary and Edmonton number 11 and 12 most bed bug ridden cities in Canada

Alberta landed just off the top 10 list in Orkin Canada’s list of Canda’s Top 25 Bed Bug Cities list.

Calgary was number 10 and Edmonton was number 11 on the annual list and were the only cities named in Alberta on the top 25 list. In the west, the only city on the top 10 was Vancouver, down from number 2 last year. Prince George came in at number 23 and Saskatoon at number 25.

Ontario is tops for the dubious title of most bed bugs treated by Orkin Canada in 2023. Six of the top 10 cities on the list are in Ontario. Toronto and Sudbury were first and second respectively for the most bedbug treatments. It is the seventh year in row that Toronto was found to have the most bed bugs in Orkin’s annual report.

"As we've seen travel return to pre-pandemic levels, Canadians should be on guard for bed bugs, as these pests are extremely resilient and can hitchhike from place to place unnoticed and with ease," said Dr. Alice Sinia, an entomologist with Orkin Canada. "Known as expert hitchhikers, bed bugs cling to clothing, luggage and furniture to invade new spaces, stowing themselves in baseboards, electronics, bedding, wallpaper, wall hangings and sofas."

A press release from Orkin advises people to look for black, inky-looking dots on their mattresses, behind baseboards, nightstands and soft furniture, like sofas and chairs, regularly and when buying second-hand furniture.

When travelling, keep suitcases and clothes in plastic bags and put clothes in the dryer upon returning home on high heat for more than 20 minutes, the press release says.

The pest is four to five millimetres long and are red to a dark brown colour, oval in shape and flat. They survive on blood and typically come out at night to bite people and pets while they sleep.

Alberta Health Services advises that if bitten by bed bugs you can:

• Wash bites with soap;

• Use anti-itch cream or an oatmeal-soaked face cloth to reduce the itch;

• Put an ice pack on the bites for inflammation

• Visit a doctor if the bites become infected.

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