After months of pushing from local municipalities, Alberta Transportation installed a permanent four-way stop at the intersection of Highway 41 and Highway 660 last week in the hopes of reducing the number of major collisions and fatalities at the site.
Jamie Friesen, spokesperson with Alberta Transportation, says ministry workers finished installing the new permanent system on May 1.
“Basically, by adding two additional stop signs, stop control rumble strips and signs notifying drivers that there is a new four-way stop system in place, we're hoping to reduce driver frustration and drivers taking risks. (We hope) that we can increase safety in the area and lower the likelihood of major collisions occurring at that intersection,” Friesen said.
Friesen noted the decision came after deliberation from the MD of Bonnyville transportation office pointed out residents in the area were in favour of a four-way stop system being introduced at the intersection.
The cost of the new signs set the province back $7,000, a price Friesen says is nothing should the new system reduce the number of accidents occurring at the intersection.
“This was a fairly low cost upgrade for us. The new signs cost somewhere between $6,000 and $7,000, so if we can save lives and prevent accidents for that price, it would be almost foolish for us not to do it,” Friesen said.