Community Gardens harvested in Elk Point, ready for 2025

It’s cleanup time at Elk Point’s community gardens, with a wagon parked on site for gardeners to load with the after-harvest debris as the days count down to the deadline to have everything removed. / Vicki. Brooker photo

ELK POINT – The 2024 crops have been harvested at the Elk Point Community Gardens, and cleanup was underway last week as the gardens group gathered to begin planning for next year. 

This year saw all the beds rented, although one gardener unfortunately lost a flourishing potato crop to theft, a situation that the committee agreed “could happen to anyone,” with signage upgrades indicating that the garden contents are property of the renters a possibility for coming years.

One of the 2025 beds has already been spoken for, and the group is setting strict guidelines that no planting can take place until beds are paid for. To get gardeners off to an early start, however, plans are underway to hold the Seed Swap in February or March, to allow longer-season plants to be started at home. A plant exchange in May is also already on the 2025 calendar, with the date to be announced after the group meets next in February. 

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