Town of Elk Point moving ahead on subdivision

ELK POINT - The Town of Elk Point has now received conditional approval on their plans for the proposed subdivision of Lot 15, Block 1, Plan1921841 in the industrial subdivision.  The approval comes with conditions that must be dealt with to allow Lot 8 to be divided from the remaining 28.89 acres of the parcel that will be used for an upcoming project with a 30-metre strip along the parcel’s east side slated for a future road and water and trunk lines.

At last week’s council meeting, administration was directed to hire a surveyor to prepare the plan of subdivision for the property, endorsement of conditions and registration at the Land Titles office. The Town’s solicitor will be requested to prepare the land purchase sale agreement for the subdivided portion of the property.

No wetland involved

The property involved in the subdivision is part of the Buffalo Trail North Intermunicipal Area Structure Plan (IASP), and new information has been received which will speed up the IASP process. CAO Ken Gwozdz told council environmental services professional Robyn Gamber visited the site the previous week and found no evidence of a wetland area that would have to be considered, removing the potential necessity for a stormwater pond in that area.

“This is brand new information as of last Friday,” Gwozdz said. “Now we are prepared to take it to a public hearing in July.”  He added that there would also be a separate public hearing in July regarding the Buffalo Trail South IASP, largely centered around present and future access points to the town from Highways 41 and 646, some as far as 30 to 50 years in the future.

Askiy Hemp announcement

In his CAO report, Gwozdz praised Mayor Parrish Tung and council for their efforts to grow the Elk Point region, following the federal and provincial announcements in early May regarding the location of Askiy Hemp Incorporated in Elk Point. Owned 51 per cent by Frog Lake First Nations (FLFN) and 49 per cent by Logistik Unicorp, Askiy Hemp “plans to construct a new modern hemp decortication processing facility in Elk Point that is the first most modern facility in the world,” Gwozdz reported, congratulating the mayor and council on bringing the new company into the town and region, and adding congratulations to FLFN Chief Greg Desjarlais and his council, “especially Band Councillor Clifton Cross. Our relationship with Frog Lake is very strong.” 

He also expressed appreciation and gratitude to MLA Scott Cyr and Minister of Energy Brian Jean, who were “instrumental in getting funding for this new development,” Minister of Economic Development and Trade Matt Jones and Associate Minister of Economic Corridors Shane Getson, noting, “Many levels of government played a key role in bringing this project to the region.” The support of Alberta HUB, STEP Economic Development Alliance and the County of St. Paul and “a lot of discussions behind closed doors” were also acknowledged. 

Coun Tim Smereka added thanks to Gwozdz and his staff for all the hard work, long hours and late nights that they put in to make the project a reality. 

Agreements in the works

Two agreements came to a vote close to 11 p.m. after a lengthy closed session. 

The first, regarding Lot 5, Block 47, Plan 1223713 is an agreement with Askiy Micisowin prepared by FLFN’s solicitor was approved with changes discussed in the closed session.

The second, regarding the former RCMP location, saw council direct the CAO to contact the town’s solicitor to prepare a lease agreement with the landowner.

Other business coming out of the closed session asked the CAO to enter into agreement with Impact Venture, whose representative Param Singh was part of a closed session at the beginning of the meeting. Council also agreed to proceed with a land purchase offer for Lot 7, Block 46, Plan 1921636, and to direct the CAO to support the transition plan regarding the airport as discussed in the closed session.

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