Bonnyville RCMP launches crime consultation program

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BONNYVILLE – Staff Sgt. Sarah Parke of the Bonnyville RCMP Detachment wants to hear from community members concerned about the region's crime. 

People living in the Town of Bonnyville, MD of Bonnyville, Village of Glendon, Fort Kent, La Corey, Iron River, Therien and Kehewin Cree Nation are encouraged to mail or email Parke during a two-week period that started on Jan. 17 and will run until Jan. 31. 

“I know that speaking with members of the public and stakeholders in general, property crime is always high on the list,” said Parke. The initiative is “a way to engage with the public that we may not necessarily have the opportunity to have a conversation with otherwise, and to address their concerns,” she adds. 

The main reason RCMP will be reaching out to the public is to let me know what they feel is important and “so I can address those issues with them,” says Parke. 

Once the date closes for the community consultation on Jan. 31, Parke will review the responses received and respond publicly to the top issues and concerns. 


Addressing issues 

According to Parke, vehicle thefts have risen in Bonnyville over the past few years. Local RCMP have been doing their best to educate the public about various steps they can take to prevent their vehicles from being stolen. 

Last week, RCMP detachments across the province launched Operation Start. RCMP officers went out into the community between 6 a.m. and 9 p.m., Monday to Friday, and contacted members of the public whose cars were left idling. Many of those vehicles were unlocked with a set of keys inside, while some were locked without keys inside.  

RCMP members were also able to give a limited number of steering wheel locks known as “clubs.” 


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