Lemonade Day stretches across the Lakeland

From the left Piper, Mya Baron, and Amy Baron tend the Sippin Sisters Saloon.
Jaylynn and Kamryn Landriault tending to Kamryn's Lemonade Country stand outside the C2 centre.
Nathan fudge smiles proudly at his stand. His face lit up as another person approached and he exclaimed "look! another customer!"
Kids learn about business during this program and get their very own business licence.

LAKELAND - Lemonade day delighted residents across the Lakeland on June 15 with unique lemonade stands popping up all over. 

The program offers kids entrepreneurial experience and business training at Lemonade University - even offering them their own business license.  

Andrew Bibos, father of Aron, Alden, and Arley of the Three Bibos and a Lemon stand in Bonnyville, said his kids had been talking about their lemonade day plans for a while. 

Bibos had great things to say about the program, mentioning that its encourages the kids to be creative and upsell. Kids offered other fare and ware for sale including bracelets, snacks, candy, and crafts. 

Bonnyville-Cold Lake-St. Paul MLA Scott Cyr even commented about the impressive charity efforts the kids have contributed through Lemonade Day.  

"Since the program was brought to Northern Alberta in 2018 our youth have donated over $35,000 to local charities. That's a lot of help to those who need it most and our kids should be proud of themselves as I know the rest of us are."

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