Ohana Family Day in Bonnyville

Brielle bull getting a glitter tattoo at one of the many kids activity stations.
Local services came out to spread awareness.
Amelia Blanchette takes her turn on the bike course.
Chip hung out in the shade of the SPCA tent, waiting for his next admirers. Chip is available for adoption.

BONNYVILLE - The Ohana Centre hosted a family day on June 1, where local services were highlighted along-side an array of children's activities. 

“Our goal is to connect families with local services that provide support and assistance within our community,” according to information from the Ohana Centre.

A large room dedicated to local services displayed information booths with representatives to help spread awareness and information. 

Aligned Interventions, Lakeland Family Resource Network, the Friendship Centre, Successful Families Successful Kids, the Dragonfly Centre, Lakeland family eye care, and Bonnyville and District FCSS all showed up to connect with the community and showcase their services. 

A ‘bike rodeo’ was also organized, where kids got to decorate their bikes and ride a course that took them through pool noodle arches, over planks of wood, and around pylons. Community peace officer Wanda Tomm was there to help kids around the course, and teach them about bike safety.  

EMS workers joined in and offered a Teddy bear clinic. 

Volunteer Dustin Appleby said he was hauling sandbags for the bike course. He watched a young boy bike past with gold streamers on his tricycle. “That right there is why I did it. He’s been biking around for over an hour. It’s worth it for the kids.” 

The SPCA came out with Chip, a dog who is available for adoption. He sat like a gentleman through the day, being visited by all sorts of people getting their dose of dog love. Patient, sweet, and handsome, he was the perfect representative for those seeking a new furry member to their family. 

Bonnyville library manager Nicole Labrie and programmer Kat Eliason joined the event, offering story time, books, and singing and dancing. Eliason reports that the Ohana Centre purchased 100 books to give away to the kids.  

The Bonnyville Youth Market came out for the day with their impressive show of youth-made wares, inspiring young entrepreneurs. 

The day held a myriad of activities including arts and crafts and minute-to-win-it games. The glitter tattoo station was a major hit with the kids, as well as face painting. 

The Bonnyville Regional Fire Authority did the cooking with a barbecue, fuelling families for their day of activities.  

Kim Harvie, director at the Ohana Centre, said, “If you can judge by plates, we went through 300 plates for the barbecue, and about 125 kids came through the activities... It was such a success. We’re looking forward to next year already.” 

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