Rain delays MD road construction projects

Rain has caused construction projects in the MD of Bonnyville to fall behind schedule.

"We're a little behind," explained Darcy Zelisko, director of transportation and utilities for the MD.

"In the last two and a half months, we've had 22 days of rain. So if we count 22 days of rain and another 22 days to dry up to get back to where we were before the rain, we're like a month and a half behind, about six weeks."

However, even with the delay, Zelisko is confident most construction projects should be completed by the end of the season, assuming the weather "co-operates."

"If we can hopefully have some nice weather right through to November, then we'll be fine but if we don't, there's going to be projects that will not get done this year," he said.

He said "all these projects" with the exception of the Fort Kent Street Improvement Project, should be finished, in his opinion.

"I'm going to be hard-pressed to believe (Fort Kent) will finish this year. The contractors are telling us he's going to get it done but my experience is telling me that it's probably going to be a carry-over. They may get a portion of it completed but I don't think they'll finish all of it."

Blue Flame has contracted the Fort Kent project and were supposed to begin construction in late July; however, they are now scheduled to begin in late August, explained Zelisko.

Another major project is the Gurneyville Road construction project, which has also been pushed back.

However, Zelisko said the contractor pushed this project back due to prior commitments and plans to begin the project in late August or early September.

The Bear Trap Road construction project, contracted by Site Energy, has been one of the bigger projects for the MD this year. "They've been delayed significantly on that one, too," he said

"They were originally scheduled to be done by the end of August and they currently (have) about three miles of that job done so they're right around the half way mark on that project. So they're probably going to be pushed back for completion until probably the end of September."

Zelisko said the MD's construction crew has also been pushed back on their projects, though some smaller ones have been completed.

The MD's crew will be working on the Fish Hatchery Road and base paving in South Chateau View at Moose Lake in September. Base paving of Antler Drive, near Moose Lake, is scheduled for late August.

On top of that, they're about two thirds of the way finished paving the MD shop's parking lot - another summer construction project.

Aside from road construction, Zelisko said the MD has also been busy with dust control.

"This year we tried a new product for dust depressant, MG30, and we've actually placed approximately 100 miles of that product out there now.

"It was a fairly substantial program we did this year and it's actually worked fairly well. We've had a few roads that it didn't work as well on as others, but all in all, I'd say we probably have close to an 80 per cent success rate with it."

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