Achievement day highlights accomplishments of Lac La Biche 4-H members

While many of the livestock on display at the 4-H Achievement Day beef show didn’t mind being shown off, others, such as this steer owned by Brohden Rolph named PC, were rather hesitant about being paraded around the rodeo arena next to the Lakeland Agricom. Chris McGarry photo.
Chris McGarry photo.
Chris McGarry photo.
Chris McGarry photo.
Jacob Lemay, a member of the Lac La Biche 4-H District shows off his project that focused on the outdoors. Chris McGarry photo.
Katie-Mae Brown with her animal, Denim. Chris McGarry photo.
Leyla Gordey prepares and grooms her chicken, Mousy, for the poultry show that took place Friday afternoon. Chris McGarry photo.
Peyton Cormier holds her chicken, named Cheetah, which she entered into the poultry show. Chris McGarry photo.
Tenley Aislby and Gabrielle Lemay stand proudly beside the sewing project they completed and put on display for the public to see during the annual 4-H Achievement Day. Chris McGarry photo.
Tom Hannan looks over the exhibits showcasing the various projects that had been done by members of the Lac La Biche 4-H District. Chris McGarry photo.
Corben Rolph walks his steer named Toby around the ring during the beef show that took place Friday on the grounds next to the Lakeland Agricom as part of the annual Lac La Biche 4-H District Achievement Day. Chris McGarry photo.
Many of the cattle that were on display and judged during the beef show had some very unique and interesting names, including Jackson Cull’s steer, Ineed-abun. Chris McGarry photo.
Chris McGarry photo.

LAC LA BICHE - The accomplishments made by members of the Lac La Biche 4-H District over the past year were showcased for all to see during the club’s annual Achievement Day, on Friday, June 7, at the Lakeland Agricom.

Despite consistent rain and cool temperatures, a small crowd gathered in the bleachers and inside the shelter on the grounds around the rodeo arena for the beef show, which kicked off this year’s Achievement Day in afternoon.

One by one, competitors led the steers that they have been raising and caring for around the arena. While most of these animals didn’t mind being paraded around, a few were slightly hesitant, with their owners requiring a bit of assistance from the ring men in getting them through the viewing portion of the beef show.

Once the cattle had been shown off, they were looked over by judges.

But it wasn’t only the achievements of 4-H members who raise livestock that were celebrated during Friday’s event. Several local youngsters who are involved with the organization were able to show off the projects they’ve done with people visiting the weekly Lac La Biche Farmer’s Market from 3-5 p.m.

These included automotive, sewing and poultry projects as well as those focused on outdoor activities, cooking, and creative arts. Many of the exhibits-which were set up near the vendors-featured colourful and interested displays highlighting what each project was about.

There was also a poultry show featuring chickens whom members have been working with.

The special day for the local 4-H club concluded on Friday evening with a steer sale at 7 p.m. featuring a live auctioneer.

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