Club prepares kicks for a good cause

Adam Abougouche, 9, kicks a board that Lauren Mischuk and Heidi Hartmann hold up. The taekwondo club is working on raising money for the Hope Haven Women’s Shelter.

The local taekwondo club is preparing for its second annual “Break for Hope” fundraiser for the Hope Haven Women’s Shelter.

All of the members are collecting pledges ahead of an event on April 26, at which they will break boards and bricks at the Agricom.

The club got the idea from Sherwood Park, where the taekwondo club raised more than $200,000 over 11 years for their local shelter.

Last year, “Break for Hope” raised $5,600 for Hope Haven and Dale Crossland, an instructor at the club, says that they will continue holding the fundraiser and tallying up amounts.

At the actual event, representatives will come out to talk about the shelter. Crossland says that hearing about the shelter was very touching for the students, especially a story about a 16-year-old girl who never had a birthday party until the shelter threw her one.

“That touched a lot of the kids,” he said. “They had some trouble understanding that, because they’ve all had parties. It really opened their eyes.”

People are welcome to donate money by contacting a taekwondo member collecting pledges. They can also call Dale at 780-623-2555.

And the entire community is welcome to come to the actual event where students of all ages will show off their skill by breaking bricks and boards.

“People are welcome to come and watch,” Crossland said. “It’s going to be a lot of fun,”

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