École Plamondon graduates celebrate with convocation ceremony

Anastacia Ambanoudis shakes hands with Blair Norton, a member of the Northern Lights Public Schools (NLPS) board of trustees after receiving her diploma. Chris McGarry photo.
Cadence Shapka (centre) poses with some of her family members. With her are cousins Jaxon, Evan and Emilee Gauthier and mother, Darby Shapka. Chris McGarry photo.
Hats off to the end of 12 years of hard work. After receiving their awards and diplomas, the graduates happily participated in the traditional cap toss. Chris McGarry photo.
The members of the Ecole Plamondon School class of 2024 sit on the stage at the Plamondon Festival Centre. Chris McGarry photo.
A large crowd came for the event. Chris McGarry photo.
Dylan Bourassa stands with Hailey Mahowich after being given the Ecole Plamondon School Perseverance Award. Chris McGarry photo.
Haillie Armstrong was the recipient of the MP Award. She stands with Patti Ilomin on the stage at the Plamondon Festival Centre. Chris McGarry photo.
Kilikia Anufriev was one of 24 students from graduated from Ecole Plamondon School on Friday, June 28. Chris McGarry photo.
Prior to the start of their convocation ceremony, the members of the Ecole Plamondon School graduation class of 2024 spent time putting on their gowns and ensuring that everything was ready for the event. Rylynn Campbell, who was valedictorian of the class, uses a pin to fasten her classmate Afasik Samoilov’s cap onto his head. Chris McGarry photo.
Rylynn Campbell, the valedictorian for the Ecole Plamondon School class of 2024, receives her honours award from principal Karen Grygus. Chris McGarry photo.
Rylynn Campbell gives her valedictorian address. Chris McGarry photo.
There were plenty of photo opportunities both prior to, during and after the convocation ceremony. These graduates didn’t pass up the chance to create another memory of their special day. In photo, from left to right; Caiden Kim, Sarah Menard, Efalia Skorohodov, Erika Yoder, Cadence Shapka, and Abigail St. Jean. Chris McGarry photo.

The long weekend began with a celebration for 24 graduating Ecole Plamondon School graduates.



On Friday, June 28, the Class of 24 donned their caps and gowns and received diplomas and awards at the convocation ceremony, which took place at the Plamondon Festival Centre.

Out of school

Although the students formally finished their schooling from Ecole Plamondon, they didn't actually finish their last school days in the school building.  Due to a massive water main break inside the school in April, the grad class and all other students in the K-12 school were placed in temporary classrooms across the region — some in other schools, some inside the same community hall where the grad ceremonies were taking place, and some at Portage College. 

It was an ending to the school year that gave a direct example of how life can offer challenges, noted several speakers during the convocation ceremony.

The ceremony began with graduates marching into the Festival Centre and taking their places on the stage in front of a near-capacity crowd comprised mostly of family members, friends, and visiting dignitaries.s

The ceremony started off with the singing of ‘O Canada’, a land acknowledgement and opening remarks. There were speeches by Ecole Plamondon Principal Karen Grygus, NLPS school trustee Blair Norton, , Lac La Biche County Mayor Paul Reutov, Lac La Biche County Ward Three Councillor Colette Borgun and others.

Following the speeches, an awards ceremony took place where various awards were given out. These included the Ecole Plamondon School Perseverance Award – presented to Dylan Bourassa, the Premier’s Citizenship Award, and Ecole Plamondon School Outstanding Student Award. For the next part of the ceremony, the graduates received their diplomas and participated in the traditional cap toss before going outside to have photos taken.

Rylynn Campbell was the Ecole Plamondon School Class of 2024 valedictorian.


In the evening, there was a banquet for the graduates and their families.

The 2024/25 school year at Ecole Plamondon School is expected to resume on schedule, as extensive repairs at the building are continuing through the summer months.


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