JAWS girls, Mallaig boys, gold winners in annual mini Wow Pow

Chris McGarry photo.
Illia Vasylyshyn of the Ecole McTavish Marauders serves the ball. Chris McGarry photo.
Chris McGarry photo.
Madeline Przybylski and Rachelle Allexa Mosuba of the JA Williams (JAWS) JV girls side A Sharks team playing in a match against the Cold Lake Junior High Cobras on Friday, Oct. 18 during the annual mini Pow Wow that took place at the Bold Center this past weekend. The Sharks girls and Mallaig Stingers boys were the first place winners of the competition. Chris McGarry photo.
Chris McGarry photo.
Jada Gingras of the Cold Lake Junior High Stingers serves during a match at the mini Wow Pow. Chris McGarry photo.
Chris McGarry photo.
Siyana Abougouche of the JAWS JV girls B side team hits the ball across the net in a Saturday game against the Father Mercredi High School Trappers at the Bold Center. JAWS won the game 25-22. Chris McGarry photo.
Chris McGarry photo.

The JA Williams (JAWS) JV girls A side Sharks volleyball team and the Mallaig Stingers boys were the gold winners of the 2024 mini Wow Pow volleyball tournament which took place at the Bold Center on Oct. 18 and 19.

The annual sporting competition, which is hosted by JAWS, drew 18 Grade 9 and 10 teams from across northeastern Alberta, including ones from Cold Lake, Bonnyville, St. Paul, Fort McMurray, Mallaig, and surrounding areas.

The JV JAWS girls defeated the Cold Lake Junior High Cobras in two sets to win first place while the Stingers won their final against the Fort McMurray-based Ecole McTavish Marauders in three sets. Following these games, the Cobras and the Marauders were the runners up in this year’s tournament.

Wow Pow this weekend 

The mini Wow Pow serves as preparation for the annual Wow Pow tournament, which enters its 52nd year this year and takes place at the Bold Center from Oct. 25-26.

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