Lakeland Country Fair starts with horticultural show and market

Ethel Grier and Mae Gargar peruse the variety of flowers, vegetables and other items on display at the horticultural bench show, which took place Friday from 2-6 p.m. Chris McGarry photo.
Plamondon-based country duo Dusty Road, comprised of Valere and Vyonne Plamondon, brought their music to the porch of the Lakeland Agricom during the Friday afternoon activities. Chris McGarry photo.
Ashley Hill, whose home-based business Krarups Kitchen bakes cookies, cheesecake and other delights that can be found at the weekly Lac La Biche Farmer’s Market, holds up a batch of chocolate chip cookies that won third place in the baking category of the 2024 Lakeland Country Fair horticultural bench show. Chris McGarry photo.
The weekly Lac La Biche Farmer’s Market was a busy place on the afternoon of Friday, July 12 as the annual Lakeland Country Fair got underway. Chris McGarry photo.
Lorraine Bouvier looks over some of the artwork on display at the event. Chris McGarry photo.
Ranaf Rania and Elsafady Alsafadi sold authentic Palestinian food that included cheese and meat Fatayer and chicken rolls at the Lac La Biche Farmer’s Market. Chris McGarry photo. Chris McGarry photo.
Elise Chaffey and Kelleigh Kelly stopped by the table where Rosanne Rozka, owner of Sunset Gourmet, had her products for sale. Chris McGarry photo.
Shelda Bolt checks out the fresh produce on sale outside the Lakeland Agricom. Chris McGarry photo.
Blake Van Winkle and her sister, Landry Van Winkle, who live in Nebraska, were in Lac La Biche visiting their grandmother, Sue Ward, when they decided to enter some of their creations into the horticultural bench show. These creations included a cow barn, a drawing, along with homemade cookies and Eat More bars. Chris McGarry photo.
Amber Schultz, a vendor at the Lac La Biche Farmers Market, shows some of her products to Amie Reynolds. Chris McGarry photo.

The annual Lakeland Country Fair, which ran from July 12-13, kicked off on Friday afternoon with the horticultural bench show and farmer’s market, both of which took place at the Lakeland Agricom on the Lac La Biche Agricultural Society grounds from 2-6 p.m.

This year’s show featured a variety of crafts, along with an assortment of flowers, vegetables, artwork, and baked goods on display for the public to view, an the judges to grade, with the winners receiving cash prizes.

The Friday farmers' market at the ag grounds' was also a busy draw going into the Country Fair Weekend, with large groups of people walking around chatting with vendors and purchasing a wide variety of goods ranging from natural health products such as soap to sweets, clothing, toys, and even ethnic foods.

Also, on offer during the opening afternoon of the 2024 Lakeland Country Fair were vendors selling vegetables, fruit, pies, and even fishing gear. While this was going on, those attending the event had the opportunity to listen to the country music sounds of the Plamondon-based husband and wife Dusty Road duo comprised of Valere and Vyonne Plamondon, who performed on the porch of the Lakeland Agricom.

In the evening, competitors took to the rodeo arena on the grounds next to the Lakeland Agricom for the Billy McDonald Memorial Rodeo, which got underway at 7 p.m.

Saturday’s events for the 2024 Lakeland Country Fair included live music, a children’s festival, a weekend farmers' market, along with the second-annual Alberta Wife Carrying Championship Race.

For more details on the Country Fair events over the weekend, as well as photos and VIDEO, go to 

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