What's under the orange tarp?

Pedestrians move around the orange tarped area of new business construction taking place in Plamondon. Image Rob McKinley
A worker strips old facing from the front of a business section of buildings along 101 Avenue in Plamondon on Friday. The new business is said to be a cafe-restaurant. Image Rob McKinley.

PLAMONDON - It's been a question asked by a few people heading through Plamondon over the last little while. What's under the big orange tarp in Plamondon? 

Work has been ongoing on a facelift and interior work along Plamondon's 101 Avenue in recent weeks, leaving many residents wondering what's coming into row of commercial and service businesses.

Intrepid newsroom staff had to find the answer. A few phone calls later, and it looks like when the tarp comes off and workers have finished with the exterior fix-ups, a new restaurant-slash-cafe will be opening its doors on the busy downtown stretch. There aren't too many specifics yet — (we tried to get 'em)  but at least some of the mystery under the big tarp has been revealed.

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