Bonnyville Curling Club hosts men's and ladies' bonspiel

Men's A Event winners sponsored by CSN JD Collision are Ernie Piquette, Joel Michaud, Joey Duperron, Laurier Dargis. Runners-up are Paul Ouellette, Darren Melnyk, Lance Marchand, and Larry Thompson.
Ladies' A Event winners sponsored by Baker Tilly RSG LLP are Dawn Sihlis, Christa Shulman, Tina Cormier and Donna Gringras. Runners-up are Jenilee Melnyk, Lise Gratton, Leslie-Ann Etter, and Kim Barrie.
Men's B event winners and runners-up.
Ladies' B event winners and runners-up.
Men's C event winners and runners-up.
Ladies' C event winners and runners-up.
Men's D event winners and runners-up.

BONNYVILLE - This year's men's and ladies' bonspiel hosted by the Bonnyville Curling Club drew in 16 men's teams and nine ladies' teams to the rink.

The bonspiel ran from Feb. 9 to 11, offering a weekend dedicated to the sport.

Men's A Event winners sponsored by CSN JD Collision are Ernie Piquette, Joel Michaud, Joey Duperron, Laurier Dargis. Runners-up are Paul Ouellette, Darren Melnyk, Lance Marchand, and Larry Thompson.

Men's B Event winners sponsored by Timberwolf Environmental Services are Rodney Ouellette, Cordell Sihlis, Dave Knutson, and Brian Hayes. Runners-up are Denis Vallée (skip), Robert Vallée, Rylen Vallée, and Denis Chauvet.

Men's C Event winners sponsored by Royal LePage Northern Lights Realty are Eric Brousseau, Rollie Gratton, Colin Hanusz an d Dalton Lyall. Runners-up are Sheldon Ballas (skip), Bryce Lorenson, Tyler Warawa and Stephen Kozina.

Men's D Event winners sponsored by EVNPR Golf. are Logan Gratton (Skip), Blake Gratton, Porter Dallaire and Caleb Gratton (from St. Paul). Runners-up are Marc Ouellette, Blair Graham, Teagan Pasichnuk, and Jeff Graham (Skip).

Ladies' A Event winners sponsored by Baker Tilly RSG LLP are Dawn Sihlis, Christa Shulman, Tina Cormier and Donna Gringras. Runners-up are Jenilee Melnyk, Lise Gratton, Leslie-Ann Etter, and Kim Barrie.

Ladies' B Event winners sponsored by Ducharme Motors are Chantal Vallée (skip), Alena Thompson, Janelle Zalaski and Stephanie Tellier. Runners-up are Stacy Stover, Lacey Lillebo, Kendra Kolody, and Carolynne Hill.

Ladies' C Event winners sponsored by Lakeland HR Solutions are Michelle Pashniak, Dawn Holmes, Jill Bosse, Nicole Flanagan. Runners-up are Marcelle Vallée, Kristine Darr, Jessica Zalaski, and Erin Murphy.

Up next, the Bonnyville Curling Club will be hosting is mixed bonspiel March 22-24 and a cornhole (bean bag) tournament fundraiser on April 20.

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