Lac La Biche U18 Dodgers are Lakeland baseball champs

The Lac La Biche U18 Dodgers are the league champs after beating the Bonnyville Braves on Thursday night.
Dodgers' first baseman Dylan McDonald stretches to make the grab during the Tuesday semifinal game between St. Paul and Lac La Biche.
Dodgers base runner Seth Grant was quite literally the winning run sitting on second base during a Braves' timeout in the last inning of Friday's game
Dodgers' pitcher Callum McKinley sends one down the middle to a St. Paul batter during Tuesday's semifinal league game. The Dodgers won the game 8-7 to setup the final game against Bonnyville.
The final score saw the swing that Lac La Biche put into the game after trailing the Braves by two points afte the first few innings.
Ethan Walgren connects for a base hit during Thursday's win over Bonnyville.
Hat's off for a nice catch from Dodgers first baseman Dylan McDonald.
The base runner goes as Dodgers pitcher Callum McKinley throws.
Safe at third.
The Braves catcher watches as a Lac La Biche player slides in to score.
Ball. Low.
A close play on first base goes to the Dodgers as the Braves player is tagged before getting back to the base.
Another close call on first. This one goest to the Braves
Safe at one.
Inside the cage.
Three-way decision. A dropped ball in the outfield helps the Dodgers bring in another run.
Nice catch
Braves third baseman Gunnar Tomm accepts his silver medal at the end of the game from Rhea Thompson a player on the Lac La Biche U9 Dodgers team.
The gold medals were presented to the Lac La Biche Dodgers by a young local fan.
The winning team picture.

The Lac La BIche Dodgets are the Lakeland Minor Ball U18 champs.

The Dodgers came back from a two-run deficit early in the Lakeland Minor Ball U18 championship game against the Bonnyville Braves on Thursday night to win the league championship.

It's the second straight season the Dodgers have been crowned league champs. It's also the second time in two years that the Braves have finished second.

The Dodgers were down 4-2 after two innings, but rallied back – allowing the Braves only one more run through the rest of the game to win 15-5. 

Thursday's game was played at Lac La Biche's Bold Center main diamond, in front of several dozen fans for both teams.

There were 11 teams in the Lakeland U18 league this year. The Elizabeth Métis Settlement Riels were playing Marwayne in the bronze medal game on Thursday night. The results of that game will be updated when they become available. The Plamondon Mustangs finished the season in fifth place. 

The Dodgers beat St. Paul on Tuesday to make it to the championship game.

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