County of St. Paul council provides farewell gift to long-time administrator

Sheila Kitz (middle) was presented with the "Mother Bear" sculpture by the County of St. Paul council on Feb. 13 as a symbol of their appreciation for 14 years as the County's Chief Administrative Officer. Kitz recently retired from the position. From left to right are councillors Darrell Younghans, Maxine Fodness, Reeve Glen Ockerman, Dale Hedrick, Ross Krekoski, and Kevin Wirsta.
"Mother Bear" by Herman Poulin.

ST. PAUL – In a show of appreciation for the work and loyalty of the previous County of St. Paul CAO Sheila Kitz, the council commissioned a gift – a sculpture of bears hugging each other. "It's called Mother Bear," explained Reeve Glen Ockerman. The art was crafted by local sculptor Herman Poulin.

For 14 years Kitz was at the helm of the County of St. Paul, and the reeve says Kitz has been a "very dedicated mentor" to others. The sculpture was paid for out of each council member's personal pockets, he added.

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