Multiculturalism celebrated at St. Paul Regional High School

Students, staff and parents serve food during the St. Paul Regional High School multicultural day. Pictured: Aira Aguilor and Earn Phonthep check out the Philippines display.
Students, staff and parents serve food during the St. Paul Regional High School multicultural day. Pictured: Julia Scheuer (Ms. Rose) serves perogies.
A variety of booths were set up at the SPRHS multicultural day.
A variety of booths were set up at the SPRHS multicultural day.
Beatriz Pilipchuk offers authentic dishes and information on Costa Rica.
A variety of booths were set up at the SPRHS multicultural day.
Dances were performed during the multicultural celebration. Jenisa Cardinal and Jozee Stamp are pictured in traditional regalia performing on stage.
Dances were performed during the multicultural celebration. Pictured dancing are Jillian Faith Sapigao, Jasmine Pruden and Gillian-Raine Ordona.

ST. PAUL - The smell of food being served and the sounds of students and staff mingling filled the halls of St. Paul Regional High School on May 15 as the school celebrated a variety of cultures.

The multicultural day featured booths serving a variety of food over the lunch hour, along with a few groups of students performing dances and songs on stage at the school's fine arts theatre. 

"We were very excited to host our 2nd Annual Multicultural day at Regional High School," says assistant principal Angela Noel. "We had live music played by our Rock and Pop group, cultural dancers performing on the fine arts stage, and over 10 tables set up offering traditional dishes and information about the various cultures that represent our students. It is a day where parents and students can get involved and we can celebrate diversity within our school."

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