New beginning on the horizon for Mannawanis Native Friendship Centre

Hinano Rosa, Executive Director at Mannawanis Native Friendship Centre, ties a red tie during a red ribbon ceremony on May 5, 2023. / File Photo

ST. PAUL – He is a man who always has a smile on his face and one who has dedicated much of his life to the betterment of his community – That is how Jim White, a board member of the Mannawanis Native Friendship Centre (MNFC), describes current executive director Hinano Rosa.  

Rosa has announced that he will be resigning from the position this spring. 

“We’re really sad to see [Rosa] go. But... I really wish him all the best,” says White. “[Rosa] has been the backbone of this place [MNFC] for 15 years that I’ve been on the board. He turned it into what it is today.” 

There is a certain sadness to see a pillar of the MNFC take the next step of his life, But White says he is also excited and hopeful about the MNFC’s future. 

Rosa agrees. “My hope is that whoever takes my seat can take it even further than I did... to try to move the [MNFC] and the community in a good direction,” he says. “A new vision... new blood.” 

When asked why he was resigning, Rosa says he wants to move to be with his family and wife in Saskatchewan, suggesting he has been thinking about it for a while. Rosa has been driving back and forth from Saskatchewan every week to see his wife, then returning for work. 

“I want to be with my wife all the time,” says Rosa. 

“I love my job. I love the people that I work with... the work that we do,” he acknowledges, expressing his pride in the work the MNFC has accomplished.  

Rosa says the MNFC’s mandate is to build relationships within the community and serve people of all races. 

“We’ve accomplished a lot... [like] addressing racism, [and] working on reconciliation,” says Rosa. 

He also credits and expresses his pride for MNFC’s staff and the hard work they do. 

Asked if he is planning to retire, Rosa shakes his head.  

“I don’t want to retire... I still got some ‘oomph’ in me right now to continue working,” he says with a laugh. “But I don’t want to drive... three and a half hours every Friday and coming back Sunday evening... and come back on Monday morning to get to work.” 

Rosa will be resigning from the position in April. 

In addition, he plans to also support and give guidance to the incoming executive director so they will not be too overwhelmed. 

“I would still be available and would make myself available to [MNFC] if they need further support... whether it’s over phone [or] Zoom.” 

White says they are currently looking for a new executive director and are now accepting applicants for the position. 

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