Seniors' Week barbecue a tradition in St. Paul

ST. PAUL - A large turnout showed up for the annual Seniors' Week barbecue at the St. Paul Senior Citizens' Centre on June 5.

The smell of hamburgers on the grill and the sound of people visiting filled the hall on Wednesday night. The club remains a long-standing and active group in St. Paul with about 350 current members, according to Dennis Giggs, president of the St. Paul Senior Citizens' Club.

New members are always welcome to join the club, which costs $15. Members then have access to a long list of activities to keep them busy year-round at the centre - from bocce ball in the summer, to floor curling and carpet bowling through the winter. There are also times dedicated to card games such as crib and canasta.

A large group of has also been participating in line dances on Tuesdays and Thursdays - having fun and getting in some physical activity. A seniors exercise program also operates once a week.

The Quilting Bees Guild also operated out of the centre, along with the adult choir, Les Musicos.

"It's a social opportunity," says Giggs, speaking to the many programs that exist. He acknowledges that many seniors would be house-bound and isolated if they did not have opportunities such as those offered at the club.

The programs focus on both the mental and physical well-being of seniors.

During the barbecue, Giggs also noted that about 150 of its members are also volunteers with the club. While many seniors have done their part in the past and are now enjoying the fruits of their labour by sitting back and relaxing, a strong core of volunteers keeps the club running.

On Wednesday, many of those volunteers were helping prepare the food, greeting guests are they arrived, and much more. Giggs noted that the barbecue is an annual event held at the centre in honour of Seniors Week.

The organization welcomes members who are 55+ and can be contacted at 780-645-5566.

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