The MD of Bonnyville and the City of Cold Lake are working together to submit an application to the provincial government under the Alberta Community Partnership grant.
The MD of Bonnyville and the City of Cold Lake are working together to submit an application to the provincial government under the Alberta Community Partnership grant.
The $50,000 funding, which each municipality would match by $25,000, would be used to fund the Inter-Municipal Collaboration Framework negotiations.
Read more about this in next week's edition.
MD peace officers see drop in numbers for 2017
MD of Bonnyville director of public safety Chris Garner shared the MD peace officer statistics for 2017 during the regular council meeting on Wednesday, Jan. 27.
Overall, the number of incidents responded to by peace officers in the MD have gone down over the last few years.
"There was a total of 3,850 incidents in the MD of Bonnyville that we dealt with last year," explained Garner.
Read the full story in the Nouvelle.
MD still waiting on formal confirmation on ID 349 agreement
The MD is still waiting for further confirmation from the Minister of Municipal Affairs on the future of the ID 349 agreement.
Under the amended ID 349, the MD of Bonnyville is receiving $1.2-million per year for the upkeep of the La Corey resource road.
Now that the MD is starting the process of creating a bylaw, they need further confirmation that this agreement is going forward as is.
Read about it in next week's edition.
Getting ready for the paving of Imperial access road
Council agreed to start the process of placing a tender for the 1.6-kilometre paving project on the Imperial access road.
With a current surplus in the budget, the MD agreed to get the ball rolling on the project.
Shelterbelt program back for 2018
The MD of Bonnyville is gearing up for their shelterbelt tree program.
Residents of the MD can purchase seedlings at a discounted rate from the agriculture and waste services department.
More information is available on the MD of Bonnyville website.