CLYDE – Concerns over liability have led to a review of the village's snow clearing regulations after residents took it upon themselves to clear snow from public alleys and laneways.
Jaye Parrent, chief administrative officer for the village, told council during their Jan. 13 meeting that while some individuals had been clearing snow in these spaces, it raised concerns about potential risks and liabilities.
“We did reach out to the individuals who were offending and asked them not to clear the alleys because it’s not their responsibility to clear them,” she said.
Upon reviewing the current bylaw, administration found that there is no explicit rule prohibiting residents from clearing snow.
“In talking with a number of municipalities no one has a concern with anyone clearing too much snow. That is one item that is pretty unusual is that municipalities don’t typically have a bylaw that stops people from clearing the snow because they don’t usually do.”
The issue, however, is liability, said Parrent.
“The challenge we have is a liability if they are clearing roads in front of their place, what does that liability look like, and if they do damage what’s the liability as there as well.”
The amendments to the bylaw include requiring residents to obtain prior written consent from the village before clearing snow from public areas. The amendment also includes fines for non-compliance: a $200 fine for the first offence, which would double for a second offence, and triple for a third offence.
Council gave the bylaw amendment first, second and third reading without discussion.