Four CH-146 Griffon helicopters have been deployed to assist in Fort McMurray evacuation efforts, including two from 4 Wing Cold Lake. The four helicopters and crews have been deployed, along with a number of ground personnel.
Four CH-146 Griffon helicopters have been deployed to assist in Fort McMurray evacuation efforts, including two from 4 Wing Cold Lake.
The four helicopters and crews have been deployed, along with a number of ground personnel. Members of 4 Wing's 417 Combat Support Squadron were deployed, as well as 408 Squadron out of Edmonton.
"This is very much the tip of the spear. We have many more working on planning and standing by should the call come," said BGen Wayne Eyre, the military commander for all Canadian Armed Forces support to the wildfire.
CFB 4 Wing's helicopters and crew are currently in Fort McMurray awaiting orders. They are expected to help with search and rescue efforts.
A CC-130J Hercules is also on stand-by at 4 Wing to assist in the Fort McMurray wildfires. The Hercules is able to land on roads if required, which may be required. The Hercules was sent from 8 Wing Trenton, ON to be ready to assist.
4 Wing's proximity to Fort McMurray will allow the aircraft to react more quickly should it be called in for assistance.
"As Hwy. 63 is now open, it's looking like fixed wing support for the evacuation is much less likely. We still have a number of aircraft, specifically a C-130J Hercules and a C-17 on standby should they be required to either support evacuation or to transport essential firefighting equipment and personnel into some of the isolated locations," said BGen Wayne Eyre, the military commander for all Canadian Armed Forces support to the wildfire.
Provincial authorities have asked CAF to assist municipal and provincial authorities in the evacuating people in distress and in isolated areas. It has also requested assistance in the delivery of essential aid to affected areas and to transport essential firefighting equipment and personnel.
The City of Cold Lake has sent an additional five Cold Lake Fire-Rescue members to help the firefighters currently battling the blaze. This brings the total to 10 firefighters, one pumper truck and two fleet vehicles.
The RCMP Detachment also sent another four members to the area, for a total of seven officers assisting the Fort McMurray RCMP.
"It is important that responses in these situations be carefully coordinated or you run into bottlenecks and duplication of efforts," said Jeff Fallow, Fire Chief and Manager of Protective Services for the City of Cold Lake. "Alberta Emergency Management requested fire services support yesterday and that was provided. We are attempting to anticipate what further assistance we may be called upon to provide and take steps to ensure it can be deployed quickly."