BONNYVILLE - The C2 Centre main foyer was filled with booths showcasing opportunities within the community and offering an environment to network with a variety of people.
The Bonnyville and District Chamber of Commerce hosted the event on Oct. 22, and Executive Director Serina Lyons said the event was organized to create solid connections that have the potential to impact the course of your life.
“Are you looking for a new job or a volunteer opportunity in the community? Are you looking to become a foster parent? These are all very important to our region, whether it be in terms of social services, employment, employment retention, or personal and professional growth. We truly believe that we're here to bring people together to do that, and it's easy to do it in one room,” said Lyons.
She spoke about the importance of real-life human interactions when searching for opportunities, as opposed to online interactions.
“[The event] gives you the face-to-face where you can actually ask questions and have the connections. We've gotten so digital in the world that we've removed the human interaction from the way we search for jobs now,” said Lyons.
She also spoke about how creating these face-to-face connections can have a positive impact on how a resume is received.
“You're going to stand out in the crowd, and all of a sudden your resume gets put to the top of the pile,” said Lyons.
With many youth being online in an increasingly digital world, Lyons spoke about how it is decreasing their opportunities to build interpersonal skills that will help open doors for them.
“We want to teach them the importance of going out, standing strong, and giving a firm handshake,” said Lyons.
For those who may not have a solid direction, Lyon’s believes the job fair offers a great venue to explore options and discover something new.
The event also had raffles and swag to enjoy, including the Chamber of Commerce’s raffle for an iPad.