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Communities gather to celebrate National Aboriginal Day

Traditions, culture, stories and dancing were shared in Bonnyville this past Friday, as communities came together to celebrate National Aboriginal Day.
Dancer Kenneth Gadwa, from Kehewin Cree Nation, dances in front of a crowd of more than 200 celebrating National Aboriginal Day June 21.
Dancer Kenneth Gadwa, from Kehewin Cree Nation, dances in front of a crowd of more than 200 celebrating National Aboriginal Day June 21.

Traditions, culture, stories and dancing were shared in Bonnyville this past Friday, as communities came together to celebrate National Aboriginal Day.

The celebrations began at the Bonnyville Health Centre with members of Kehewin Cree Nation organizing a teepee raising and pipe ceremony, followed by meal for those in attendance.

Shannon Watchmaker, maternal child health worker at the Kehewin Health Centre spoke during the teepee raising about traditional First Nation values and the significance of teepee poles.

She said the first three poles to go up represent obedience, respect and humility.

“First Nations people have continued to stand up for our culture. Our values are based on respect for the land, respect for each other, and respect for the Earth,” Watchmaker said, adding, “Hope is one of the most important values to impart on our children and grandchildren.

“We have to instill hope and they have to believe in it for a better future.”

The Bonnyville Friendship Centre, along with several other sponsors and partners organized and hosted celebrations later in the afternoon at the Bonnyville and District Museum.

Just prior to the powwow, performed by Kehewin drummers and dancers, followed by the Beaver Lake Toe Tappers Métis dance group to wrap up the day, the Friendship Centre's executive director Brian Roy spoke to the crowd of more than 200 people.

“This is a place of sharing and gathering and that's what we're here to do today. We're here to share stories and culture and have fun. That's what this day is all about.”

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