BONNYVILLE – The Ukranian New Year, Malanka, was celebrated on Jan. 11 with an event hosted by Bonnyville’s Kryla Ukrainian Dancers.
Following a dinner, the stage was set at the Fieldhouse in the C2, and dancers performed traditional Ukranian dances for the audience.
The Kryla Ukrainian Dancers have welcomed a new dance instructor, TJ Fenton, and he was very proud of their first performance of the year and is looking forward to more performances.
“This is my first year teaching, I joined in September. It’s been interesting because the first year is always a little tough because they’re getting used to a new instructor, learning a different style, different steps, a different technique, but all the kids have been open and receptive. They’re all eager and excited to do it. It’s been great,” said Fenton.
The dancers whirled and dashed across the stage with big smiles, but Fenton said the performance did not happen without some pre-performance nerves.
“I know they were all nervous leading up to today, but I told them, ‘You know what, it’s your first performance. Get the jitters out of the way.’ I told them stories about when I was dancing when I was younger and even now, how I still get nervous. It’s all OK. I told them if I’m not worried about it, then they have no need to worry either,” said Fenton.
There was a lot of practice and dedication leading up to the performance from dancers of all ages.
“It’s been a lot of effort, and they’ve been really working hard. The kids go home, and they put in the practice. I’m really proud of their performance today, and they should all be really proud of themselves,” said Fenton.
Fenton says dancers will be taking part in competitions starting in March and will have a year-end show.
“I’ve been told that sometimes people come to see the Malanka performance, and they end up wanting to join. If that’s the case for someone, they can come and join, they’ll just be in the newer dances that are being taught. So, there are opportunities for dancers if they want to join now, otherwise registration is open at the beginning of the season in September,” said Fenton.