BONNYVILLE - On May 4 and 5, the Tangled Threads Quilt Guild held a quilt show at the Bonnyville Seniors Centre McGregor Hall.
Guild member, Emilie Schnieder, said there were over 100 quilts hanging and over 40 other quilted pieces such as bags, table runners and rugs on display. A few items were also for sale.
The show is normally a biannual event where the quilters can show their pieces, with some quilters in the guild also coming from Cold Lake and around Ardmore. All the quilts had labels that included the name of the quilter, the pattern, and a comment or story.
White gloves were handed out to people who wanted to touch the pieces. Attendees entered their name in for a draw, could take home free crafting magazines and books, and enjoy homemade snacks and coffee.
Although there are over 40 people in the guild now, Schnieder said they are always looking for new members to join the group.
They guild meets four days a month to sew in the seniors centre at Pioneer Hall.
"We are an easy going bunch. Show up, we would be happy to have you," she added.