In the picturesque expanse of Bonnyville, Alberta, nestled between St. Paul and Cold Lake, resides a woman of extraordinary talents and an unyielding passion for animals. Gayle, the proprietor of Freedom Dog Boarding, is not just a name in the local pet care scene—she’s a legacy. With over 45 years of immersive experience, Gayle has become an unparalleled expert in canine and equine behavior, breeding, training, and welfare. Here’s a glimpse into her incredible journey and her invaluable contributions to animal care.
Gayle's love for dogs spans over four decades. As a breeder, animal rescuer, and the author of four captivating non-fiction animal books, her expertise is not just academic—it’s deeply hands-on. From whelping to training, her methods are grounded in decades of studying ethology, the science of animal behavior.
“When you truly understand a dog’s behavior and can read their precise body language, that’s when you can become a great trainer,” Gayle asserts. Her formative years were spent working with protection dogs, herding dogs, bird retrievers, and later, tracking dogs. Rather than relying on online courses, she trained under seasoned professional trainers, earning her knowledge in the field.
Her philosophy on training is clear and grounded in reality. “There’s no such thing as ‘force-free’ dog training,” she explains. "The second you put a leash on a dog, you are exerting control. True training comes from understanding, corrections, and a mutual desire for success—dogs need to want to please their humans, not just work for treats."
Gayle’s dedication to rescuing animals is awe-inspiring. Over the years, she has saved countless creatures from abuse and neglect, from dogs and horses to wild boars, porcupines, and even hawks and eagles. Her tenacity has brought new life to starving livestock, baby birds, and more, though she jokingly admits, “I’ve never gotten along with skunks and probably never will.”
Her commitment extends beyond her hands-on rescues. Gayle is a 30+ year member of the Alberta SPCA and a steadfast supporter of animal welfare organizations, including Humane Canada, STOP Puppy Mills, and international groups that align with her ethos of compassion.
As a breeder, Gayle is deeply invested in ethical practices. Her adult dogs are her family—they live freely, sleep on her bed, and are not bred for profit or under duress. Her vigilance ensures every puppy she raises goes to a home that values their worth. She laments the practices of irresponsible breeders, where puppies are sold without care for their future, often leading to suffering and abandonment.
Gayle’s expertise is not limited to dogs. Her years of working alongside veterinarians have honed her skills in equine behaviour and care. From breeding to foaling and training, she has an intimate understanding of horses, their body language, and their needs. Her collaboration with vets has equipped her to recognize signs of illness or injury, ensuring timely interventions.
Gayle’s life experiences have translated into a successful writing career. Her books—Horses, Hounds and Other Critters, My Life With Dogs, and two horse-themed titles, Horse Stories: Riding the Wind and The Heart of a Horse—are a testament to her storytelling prowess. Through humour and heartfelt narratives, she captures the bond between humans and animals, making her a beloved author among animal lovers.
Freedom Dog Boarding, located on Gayle’s 10-acre property, epitomizes her love for animals. With expansive spaces for dogs to roam and play, it offers a home-away-from-home experience for pets while their owners are on vacation. Her facility is not just a boarding space—it’s a sanctuary where every dog is cared for with the same love and attention she gives her own.
Gayle’s life is a testament to her unwavering love for animals. Whether it’s her contributions to ethical breeding, animal rescue, or her impactful writings, she continues to inspire and educate others. In a world that often overlooks the nuances of animal behaviour and welfare, Gayle’s work stands as a beacon of compassion and expertise.
So, if you’re in Bonnyville or the surrounding Alberta region, and need a place where your dogs will feel loved and free, look no further than Gayle’s Freedom Dog Boarding. And while you're there, you might just find yourself inspired by her incredible journey.