LAC LA BICHE - RCMP have provided an update following a shelter in place that was put into effect for a few hours last week, near Lac La Biche.
On March 13, Lac La Biche RCMP received a complaint of a break and enter in progress at an Alberta Parks Shop yard in Lac La Biche County, according to RCMP.
"The three suspects stole fuel before they fled in a truck. The truck was located in the ditch a few kilometres away with the suspects fleeing into the woods," reads information released on March 18.
St. Paul RCMP Police Dog Services (PDS), along with Eastern Alberta District Rural Crime Reduction Unit (CRU), Athabasca Traffic Services and Lac La Biche RCMP, set up containment in an attempt to track the suspects.
"Nearing the end of the track, Lac La Biche RCMP received a call of a second break and enter involving the theft of firearms," according to RCMP. All resources, including a drone, relocated to the area.
"RCMP issued a shelter in place to ensure the safety of all residents in the area. After a rigorous track, St. Paul RCMP PDS located and arrested a male without incident," according to RCMP.
During the arrest of the male suspect, Lac La Biche RCMP was dispatched to a complaint of a suspicious female on the railroad tracks near the previous search area. The female was located, and further investigation lead to her arrest in connection to the first break and enter.
Trenton Cole Cardinal, 30, a resident of Edmonton, has been charged with break and enter with intent to steal a firearm, theft of a motor vehicle, possession of a firearm while prohibited, possession of property obtained by crime, and more.
Caitlin Mary Brereton, 31, a resident of Kikino Métis Settlement, was charged with theft under $5,000, possession of property obtained by crime over $5,000, and break and enter with intent.
Both Cardinal and Brereton were remanded in custody and were scheduled to appear in court on March 17. After that court date, Cardinal was remanded in custody to appear again on March 31, and Bereton was released with several conditions and a new court date of March 31.