BONNYVILLE – It was the least they could do to memorialize the kindness and support offered by the late Victor Ringuette to the Bonnyville and District SPCA, said Judith Rodriguez, the shelter manager for the local SPCA.
During an intimate unveiling ceremony held at the Bonnyville SPCA on the afternoon of Nov. 25, Roxanne Ringuette had the honour of placing a name plaque dedicated to her father on the shelter’s new quarantine room for incoming cats.
Roxanne commended the SPCA staff for the work they do for both the Town and MD of Bonnyville.
She also thanked Rodriguez, the SPCA’s board members, and the staff members, for the kind gesture on behalf of the Ringuette family and B&R Eckel’s Transport.
The Victor Ringuette Quarantine Room will house up to six incoming cats who must stay in isolation until they have been cleared of all possible health concerns prior to being introduced to other cats at the facility.
“The biggest concerns we have when a stray cat is brought in are ear mites, and now that the weather is getting colder, upper respiratory infections are much more common among cats that have been living outside,” explained Rodriguez.
The six additional quarantine spaces for incoming cats to be assessed and treated will have a huge impact, she added.
The shelter now has a total of 12 isolation spaces.
The new quarantine room was previously a facility storage room, but with growing demand and colder weather ahead, the shelter’s six staff members and volunteers worked hard to reclaim the space for animals in need.