ST. PAUL - Concerns regarding busy crosswalks near a school within the Town of St. Paul have been raised recently.
On Wednesday, Racette Jr. High School administration sent out an email to parents, asking them to remind their children about crosswalk safety. The email stated that some "concerning situations" have been witnessed recently at the crosswalks near the school, which is located on main street.
The crosswalks are located near the Grade 6 to 9 school, at 47th Street and 46th Street, along 50th Avenue. Another crosswalk in the area is located at 45th Street, which is also within the main street school zone, as it is situated near St. Paul Elementary School, a Kindergarten to Grade 5 school.
Town of St. Paul Director of Protective Services Trevor Kotowich confirmed that his department has heard concerns about the area, and peace officers have been making patrols quite often near the schools, especially during busy times of the day.
"One of the biggest challenges with this specific stretch is that motorists not from this community are unaware of the school zone," says Kotowich. "This is something we are cognizant about whenever we plan operations in this area, and have spoken to the Province (of Alberta) about increased signage."
Glen Brodziak, superintendent with St. Paul Education, confirmed that there have been concerns expressed about safety at the crosswalks.
The school division is looking to see if it can get some wording up on signs in the area, reminding the public of heavy crosswalk traffic "and to be careful," especially during busy times of the day.
Brodziak says he has also asked administrators at the school to document any incidents and the steps that have been taken.
Doug Fedoruk, director of facilities and transportation with St. Paul Education, confirmed that discussions have taken place. The school will be looking to see if it can program its outdoor digital sign to remind motorists of heavy pedestrian traffic at certain times of the time.
Fedoruk says the Town of St. Paul's municipal enforcement has been great at responding to concerns throughout town.
He adds that pedestrian safety can be a concern around all schools, and encourages motorists to pay attention. With warmer weather, more students are walking to school, and after-hours, some areas attract youth, such as the basketball court at Racette Jr. High School.
Addressing the concerns continues to be a work in progress for the Town of St. Paul, and being cautious around all school zones in the community remains a priority.
"We will continue to remain vigilant with all of our school zones, not just this one," says Kotowich.
Pedestrians also have a responsibility to ensure safety when using the crosswalks.
Safety tips include:
- Stopping at the curb
- Pushing the button to turn on the flashing lights
- Looking both ways
- Waiting for all vehicles to stop
- Crossing the street only when it is safe to do so
- Trying to make eye contact with the drivers, so you know they see you, is also important