ST. PAUL – The County of St. Paul Public Works continues to work on the construction of a new boat launch in Lac Bellevue, as well as improvements at the boat launch parking area at Lac St. Cyr.
According to information from Public Works, the construction of the boat launch in Lac Bellevue proved more complicated than what was originally anticipated. Pads still need to be put in and Public Works expect the project to be completed in the spring of 2023.
The improvement of the Lac St. Cyr boat launch parking area is also still underway.
Tim Mahdiuk, director of the County’s community services, told Lakeland This Week that the County has a License of Occupation with the province “for the purpose of bed and shore activity,” on NE 36-56-9-W4 at Lac St. Cyr.
The lease is set for 25 years and will expire on March 26, 2045.
According to Mahdiuk, there is a boat launch within the lease area and a parking area. Information from Public Works indicates the improvement of the boat launch parking area began earlier this year in September.
While there once were some campsites in the area, signs posted advise users that “overnight camping is not permitted,” confirmed Mahdiuk.
The developments at the site have been on the “County’s workplan for the past couple of seasons,” and, “Unfortunately, other priorities have pushed the work into 2023,” said Mahdiuk.
When asked of other potential developments of Lac St. Cyr, Mahdiuk said “the workplan is to improve the ditching and drainage on the access road into the site.” In addition, the workplan also involves expanding the parking lot area to accommodate day-use traffic.