ST. PAUL - Smoke and ashes were noted in the St. Paul area in the afternoon of May 5 after a "very large and difficult" fire broke out south of St. Paul, on Hwy. 881.
"St. Paul Fire Department experienced a very large and difficult fire yesterday south on Hwy 881 near Twp. Rd. 555A," confirmed St. Paul Fire Chief Trevor Kotowich. "The conditions were challenging given the access along with the steep hills and bush the fire got into."
A total of 22 firefighters from St. Paul, along with four members from Mallaig and two from Elk Point were on scene for over eight hours to get the blaze under control. Heavy equipment from the County of St. Paul, including a dozer and grader were brought in to help with building fire guards.
"Numerous landowners lent their support with tractors. Unfortunately, some farm equipment was lost in the fire fight," said Kotowich.
While not 100 per cent confirmed, Kotowich said it is believed a spark came off a combine while trying to harvest crop.
"This fire was one of the more challenging ones I have experienced in my time, due to the ever changing wind conditions and terrain. I am still trying to get an accurate size to this fire," said the chief.
Kotowich offered a thank-you to the public for helping out on Tuesday. Resident also provided bottled water to firefighters.