BONNYVILLE – A puppet performance of the classic tale of Henny Penny captivated audience members on the evening of Aug. 4 at the Bonnyville Municipal Library.
The 30-minute show, created and performed by Kaybridge Puppets, welcomed kids and families of all ages to attend at no cost.
“The audience loved it, they were interacting with the puppets and the story, and very engaged in the performance,” said Kat Eliason, the program manager for the Bonnyville Library.
“After the show, Kate did a short demonstration of how some of the puppets work and how people can easily make their own puppets at home.”
Summer activities at the library
Before the summer is out, the Bonnyville library has numerous family friendly and youth-oriented activities planned.
On Aug. 17, the library is hosting its final Summer Reading Program (SRP) day with an SRP Wrap-up Party scheduled for Aug. 24 from 4-6 p.m.
Summer Sports will fill the final day on Aug. 17. The half-day programs are a combination of activities and reading logs with something fun for everyone.
The program has been offered to kids 6-12 years old, however pre-registration is required to attend. Morning activities start at 9:30 a.m., while the afternoon sessions start at 1:30 p.m.
Friday morning Story Times
Every Friday morning, library staff members welcome families with kids ages three and up to join them for their Successful Families Successful Kids (SFSK) group to take part in Story Times from 10 to 11 a.m.
A special story telling event is also scheduled on Aug. 23 at 4:30 p.m., as the library welcomes Alberta storyteller Mary Ann Lippiatt, known for her engaging Story in My Pocket tales.
Arts and Crafts drop-in
On Aug. 18, the library will be hosting this summer’s last Arts and Crafts drop-in program. Community members and families can take part in the drop-in program starting at 9:30 a.m.
A club for kids who build
The library will be hosting its last drop-in Builders Club on Aug. 16, from 1-3 p.m.
The Builders Club has been taking place every Tuesday afternoon over the course of the summer and gives kids ages six to 12 the opportunity to build with Lego, build robots and complete a variety of other building challenges.
Visit to discover more activities and events for adults and youth being hosted by the Bonnyville Municipal Library.