ST. PAUL - Three new priests were welcomed to the Diocese of St. Paul on Oct. 1, the feast day of St. Thérèse of Lisieux.
The three new priests are: Fr. Adrian Tumanda, Fr. Jonnel Eucare and Fr. Marvin Tanquerido. They all began their journey in the Philippines, and then came to Alberta toward the day of their Ordination to the Priesthood, according to information from the Diocese of St. Paul.
Even with the COVID-19 health restrictions, the ordination was still attended by all the priests of the Diocese of St. Paul, members of the formation team of the St. Joseph Seminary of Edmonton, as well as the candidates’ invited guests. The liturgy was also live-streamed so that parents, siblings, and extended families in the Philippines could take part virtually.
A relaxation of some of the restrictions in place also allowed for music and singing to take place during the event.
"The joy of the occasion will be shared throughout the Diocese of St. Paul as the first year of ministry for the three new priests will be on a three-month interval rotation basis: here in St. Paul, Fort McMurray and Westlock," according to the diocese.