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Fire Authority needs vote protocol

A recent vote of non-confidence at the Bonnyville Fire Department's Dec. 21 meeting has led to more upheaval within an already divided department.

A recent vote of non-confidence at the Bonnyville Fire Department's Dec. 21 meeting has led to more upheaval within an already divided department.

At the request of Bonnyville Regional Fire Authority (BRFA) board member Mayor Ernie Isley, the 14 firefighters who walked off the job were asked to hold off before returning, to let wounds heal. The vote took place that night, without those firefighters. BRFA board chair Reeve Ed Rondeau said the board was not aware there was a vote being held and it was just a coincidence. Chief Steve Wojcik and deputy chief James Sharun were removed that night, an outcome that might have differed had all the firefighters been present.

With the secretive nature of the vote and its details, firefighters not in attendance and the public are left wondering what actually went on.

The BRFA has been working to remedy issues within its fire departments brought to light by an Occupational Health & Safety inspection last month, and will now need to figure out how to address this issue. Although it is an internal issue, guidance is needed from the Authority on how such a vote should be executed.

The BRFA board will need to decide whether it accepts the non-confidence vote or not. As Rondeau suggested, the firefighters should have the right to hold a vote when they have lost faith in their leader. There should not be any question of this.

It's the process in which this takes place that is questionable. What percentage of the fire hall should be present, what makes a firefighter eligible to vote (pager-carrying, time with the department, etc.) and whether notice of such a vote should be given in advance are all issues the board should address. A policy outlining these specifics needs to be put in place, so the vote and its result are not considered illegitimate by some.

Whether a new vote will need to take place is something the board will have to decide.

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