Journalists and politicians have an interesting relationship; they are two parts of the same system. Politicians rely on the press to relay information to the public and journalists report on issues that are relevant to their readers. Having a free and open press is one of the most important checks and balances in our political system because an informed public can then make better choices when they head off to the polls.
Although it appears at times to be adversarial, it is a relationship based on respect. As a journalist, I would not hesitate to question the decisions made by those in political office and yet underlying that is a personal respect for politicians as individuals.
As we head into municipal and school board elections, I appreciate every person who has put his or her name forward as a candidate. I have personally covered both town and county council and one of the two school boards’ meetings. I can assure you that the people who occupy these positions are committed to the betterment of their community.
Holding a council or board position is challenging in that every decision made is open to public scrutiny. As we all know what is right is not always popular and what is popular is not always right. Simply trying to represent constituents with such a diversity of opinion as is found in rural communities must be challenging. Every three years, people must re-run for their positions and answer publicly for the decisions they made while in office. There is no other job I can think of that requires this level of scrutiny.
At the time I am writing this, the nomination information has not been released but I am hoping to see a record number of people put their names forward. More people running for public office means a greater variety of opinions and more interesting debates. The more ideas that are put forward, the better it is for our communities. In politics, opposition is healthy; if elected representatives are always in agreement with each other, something is wrong.
Journalists have a responsibility to report the decisions of councils and boards as honestly and objectively as possible, disseminating information to the public, so the public can make informed choices. The voter has a responsibility to read and listen to the views of each candidate and vote. I also hope to see a record number of people come out and vote.
The idea of not voting as a protest is ridiculous. If a person is that upset with the political system, then it is time for them to get involved and make the changes they wish to see. You are either part of the solution or you are part of the problem.
Although I intend to continue to report and sometimes even critique the decisions made by local boards and councils, I do so with respect for those who commit their time and energy to the betterment of our community.