INVITATION TO TENDER Tender: ENV-43-2023-01 Beaver Lake Landfill Slope Stability Repairs and Drainage Management
Sealed bids marked “TENDER: ENV-43-2023-01; BEAVER LAKE LANDFILL SLOPE STABILITY REPAIRS AND DRAINAGE MANAGEMENT” will be received at the office of Lac La Biche County (County/owner), County Centre, 13422 Highway 881, Lac La Biche, Alberta, T0A 2C0 up to 2:00 p.m. MDT, June 7, 2024. Offers received after the Tender Closing Time will be returned to the Bidder unopened. Offers will be opened publicly at 2:10 p.m. local time on June 7, 2024 at the County Centre – BOARD ROOM (13422 Highway 881, Lac La Biche, Alberta, T0A 2C0). The tender documents can be downloaded from the BuildWorks Canada website. Bidders are to include all costs for complete construction as outlined in the project specifications. Tender must remain valid for sixty (60) days. Bids must be accompanied by the specified Bid Bond payable to the County. Tender Submission must be accompanied by the following documents or will be deemed disqualified. • Bid Forms • Bid Bond (10%) • Substitution List • Subcontractors List • Force Account Rates • Bidders Qualifications • Consent of Surety Company for performance • Construction Schedule • Equipment Suppliers List • WCB Clearance • Certificate of TLC/SECOR/COR The lowest Tender bid will not necessarily be accepted. The County reserves the right to accept or reject any or all Tenders in whole or in part. Bidders may be required to provide supplementary information after the closing date to support their Tender. Interviews may be conducted with potential Bidder, either in person or by telephone. The Bidders will be required to sign a standard County’s contract (sample is included in the tender package). TENDER SUBMISSION: Ali Memon, P.Eng. Manager, Engineering Services Lac La Biche County 13422 Highway 881 Lac La Biche, Alberta, T0A 2C0 [email protected] Tel: 780-623-6801; C: 780-404-6869 TENDER ENQUIRIES: Dr. Amin Augustin, Ph.D., P.Eng. Canadian Consulting Engineers (CCE) Suite 317, 1524 – 91 Street, SW Edmonton, AB, T6X 1M5 [email protected] Tel: 780-784-7267; C: 780-298-5606