Take notice that the Council of Lac La Biche County is proposing to pass a bylaw pursuant to Section 692 of the Municipal Government Act and a public hearing will be held to obtain public input on proposed Bylaws 25-001, 25-002 and 25-003. The purpose of Bylaw 25-001 is to amend Map 3 of the Municipal Development Plan for Lot 3, Block 3, Plan 1320611 from Residential to Commercial. The purpose of Bylaw 25-002 is to amend Figure 2 of the Lac La Biche East Area Structure Plan for Lot 3, Block 3, Plan 1320611 from Future Residential to Future Commercial. The purpose of Bylaw 25-003 is to rezone Lot 3, Block 3, Plan 1320611 from Low Density Residential District (LDR) to Arterial Commercial District (AC). Date of Hearing: Tuesday, Apri located in the Council Meetings section. l 1, 2025Time of Hearing: 11:00 a.m. Place of Hearing: Council Chambers – Second Floor, McArthur Place, 10307-100 Street, Hamlet of Lac La Biche (Electronic Participation Details are also available-see below) A copy of the proposed bylaw can be viewed on the Lac La Biche County Website: https://www.laclabichecounty.com/. For further information please contact Sheera Bourassa, Supervisor of Planning and Development, at 780-623-6744 or [email protected]. The Public Hearing will commence at 11 am, or as soon as practical thereafter. Anyone who is interested in speaking on the proposed bylaw is encouraged to participate. Presentations can be inperson, virtually or by written submission. Each participant will be given up to 10 minutes to present to County Council. Only one submission per person, group of persons or representatives shall be permitted; if presenting on behalf of another person, group of persons or representatives, written consent shall be required in advance of the public hearing being opened. To pre-register or to forward a written submission, please contact Legislative Services by noon the day prior to the public hearing, via email at [email protected] or by phone at 780-623-1747. Those wishing to present virtually are requested to pre-register by noon the day prior to the public hearing and Legislative Services will provide registered participants with the necessary ZOOM information to access the public hearing by virtual means. Submissions received after the public hearing cannot be considered by Council, so it is important that interested parties participate in the public hearing. Council meetings and public hearings may be broadcast via electronic means and can be viewed on the Lac La Biche County website. To view the livestream of any Council Meeting, please visit: www.laclabichecounty.com and select the meeting date Tuesday, Apri located in the Council Meetings section.