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Open house leads to hot debate in County council

The County of St.

The County of St. Paul council debated the idea of bringing back the annual general meeting or an open house in which members of the public would meet with County councillors to discuss the year-end financial statement at its meeting on May 10, but decided not to pursue the idea.

“I think that some people would like to come in and have a chat with us and we could present some of the things that we are doing and visit with some of our electorate," said Reeve Steve Upham. He later added, in response to a question from Coun. Glen Ockerman, that it improves transparency.

“Don't you think we are already at that degree of transparency?" questioned Coun. Cliff Martin, suggesting that AGM's are no longer necessary in the electronic age. “We are now publishing a newsletter, everything is on the Internet already."

The last time the County council held an open house, only one person showed up, said Martin. “I don't know if it is a good use of our time or our resources."

Upham said when he was talking with residents during the election campaign, several people asked about it and indicated they would be interested. He said it is not necessary to spend a large amount of resources on the event.

“We are dealing with ratepayers' money here," said Coun. Alphonse Corbiere.

Ockerman later agreed with the concern about possible costs of the event and duplication of information already available. “I have been to these things before and they are never about the financial statements or what we are doing, they are about somebody's beaver dam," he said. “I don't think it is wise to spend ratepayers money on that."

Coun. Maxine Fodness said part of the strategic plan is to encourage public participation. One of the reasons for poor turnout in the past is that the open house was held during the day when people were working. She felt that if it were held in the evening more people would turn out.

“I would like to encourage council to have an open house," said Fodness. “I do think that the public has a right to ask us questions collectively."

“I will make a motion to deny an open house or an AGM this year," said Ockerman. Fodness requested a recorded vote.

Only Fodness and Upham voted against the motion and in favour of the open house. Councillors Ockerman, Dwight Dach, Frank Sloan, Martin and Corbiere voted for the motion to deny the request for open house.

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