F. G. Miller High School student Kelsey Lindquist received more than her share of honours at the school’s annual Awards Night on Thursday – she picked up an armful for her brother Brett as well.
Kelsey’s own awards included Top Grade 10 Academic Standing, sponsored by Elk Point Insurance, Grade 10’s lone Academic Honours award from the Elk Point Historical Society, merit pins in English, math, social studies, science and French, the Elk Point and District Lions Senior High Citizenship award, the French and art awards, Elk Point FCSS Home Economics Family Life award, and the Elk Point Seniors Centre CALM award.
With that stack taken care of, she retuned to the spotlight several times to accept the Dr. K. C. Miller Best All-Round Student award, one of two Barrie Wayne McFadyen Memorial Scholarships, an Alexander Rutherford scholarship, academic honours award and a handful of merit pins in English, math, social studies, chemistry, biology and physics. Brett also received the Timmy Quinney athletic award.
A proud mother and two equally proud brothers and one sister also came forward to accept awards for two 2010 grads who were unable to attend the ceremonies.
Terry Shankowski accepted son Tanner’s academic honours award, merit pins in English, math, social studies, chemistry, biology and physics, the Great Kid award, Kudu Physics/Biology/Chemistry/Math scholarship, Twin Butte Resources Corporation scholarship, and an Alexander Rutherford scholarship.
On behalf of his sister Alyxandra, Josh Aarbo accepted the St. Paul Education Regional Division No. 1 award for top Grade 12 Academic Standing, the Governor General Academic Medal, Apple Drugs Math and Science Award, the Valedictorian award Elk Point Elks Elmer Bjornstad scholarship, Kudu Physics/Biology/Chemistry/Math scholarship, the John N. Braga Epitomic Student Award, academic honours award and merit pins in English, math, social studies, chemistry, biology, physics and French and the County of St. Paul scholarship.
Dylan Kwasnycia was presented with sister Ariel’s Barrie Wayne McFadyen Memorial Trades Scholarship and merit in biology, while Eryn Smith accepted the Elk Point Community Choir bursary and Alexander Rutherford scholarship and merit pins in English, social studies, chemistry and biology for her brother Milo.
Three 2010 grads were on hand to pick up their own awards, Jessica Wirsta accepting a Barrie Wayne McFadyen Memorial Scholarship and the Bespalko/Sribney scholarship, Merrick Fenton accepting the Brailsford Memorial Music Award from Allan Berg of the St. George’s Masonic Lodge and merit pins in math and biology, and Mike Czerkawski the F. G. Miller Personal Achievement award sponsored by B and R Eckels, the Barrie Wayne McFadyen Memorial Trades scholarship, the Alberta Apprenticeship and Industry Training Board scholarship and the Canadian Tire St. Paul scholarship.
Other Class of 2010 award winners, not present to pick up their awards were: Dusty Frisby – academic honors, merit in English, math, chemistry, biology, physics and phys ed, Alexander Rutherford scholarship; Amber Sadowinski – merit in math, Industrial Education award, Lawrence Modin Memorial scholarship; Taylor Jenner – merit in math, and French, Steve Kuziw Memorial scholarship; Oliver Buck – merit in English, math, social studies; Jerrika Durocher-Barthel – merit in English; Keegan Forbister – merit in English, Dr. K. C. Miller English 30-2 award; Owen Lowry – merit in English, social studies and French; Graham Zarowny – merit in English; Kent Crawford – merit in math, social studies Dylon Loughran, merit in math; Katelynn Vallee – merit in math; Jordan Angus – merit in social studies; Hilary Dallaire - merit in social studies; Josh Gadowski – merit in social studies, chemistry; Brittany Younghans – merit in phys ed.
Grade 11 awards – Academic honours: Brendan Bishop, Seanna Ewasiuk, Brianna White; merit awards: Greggory Babcock- chemistry, biology; Tori Becker – English, social studies; Dylan Berg – social studies; Brendan Bishop – English, math, social studies, physics, chemistry, biology; Mel Brooker – math; Seanna Ewasiuk –English, math, social studies, chemistry, biology; Wayne Fiddler – chemistry; Dylan Kwasnycia – math, physics, chemistry; Scott Labrie – math, social studies, chemistry; Courtney MacLellan – English, social studies; Jordan Murphy – math; Lindon Nelson – science, social studies; Taylor Robbie – English, math, science; Miranda Robinson – math; Tiffany Schade – science; Zane Szeponski – science; Megan Tetlock – English, math, social studies; Brianna White – English, math, social studies, physics, chemistry, biology, French. (Merit awards sponsored by CNRL). Brittany White also won the French 30 award, Courtney MacLellan the Art 20 and Art 30 awards, and Brendan Bishop the ATB Financial award for top Grade 11 Academic Standing.
Grade 10 awards (not included those accepted by Kelsey Lindquist) – merit awards: Josh Aarbo – English, math, science; Keith Bergquist, Chantal Bowen – science; Alyssa Harms – English, French; Vanessa Jacula – math; Cody Knopp – math, French, science; Anna Lazicki – English; Seanna-Joye Leaf – French; Katie Maennchen – English, French; Dino Meger – science; Amanda Nelson - science; Bailey Oster – English; Kyle Porcina – science, Mark Proskiw – math; Eryn Smith – English; Brandon Tremblett – science; Kelsey Vinge – English, French. . (Merit awards sponsored by CNRL). Art awards went to Katie Maennchen and Amber Ference, industrial education award to Melissa Goertzen and the computer processing award to Josh Aarbo.
Junior High awards
Computer processing awards, sponsored by TD Financial and Richland Oilfield Services went to Tia Lowry, Grade 9, Zoe Friesen, Megan Kinaschuk, Madeline Ludlage and Kendra Warholik, Grade 8, and Carson Tung, Grade 7.
French – Grade 7 – Shae Rinas, Grade 8 – Cheyenne Lawrence, Grade 9 – Ashley Wozniak.
Home Economics Family Life, sponsored by Elk Point FCSS – Grade 7 – Brittney Ference, Grade 8 – Russel Ference, Grade 9 – Tia Lowry.
Art – Grade 7 – Kelly Sam, Grade 8 – Megan Kinaschuk, Grade 9 – Mary Cleland, Kailyn Nazarchuk.
Industrial Arts, sponsored by Ray and Lorraine Danyluk – Grade 7 – Shae Rinas, Grade 8 – Dayle Oster, Grade 9 – Ilysha Sadowinski.
Elk Point Co-op award for Top Grade 7 Student – Kelly Sam.
Community Lions award for Top Grade 8 Student – Jarred Loughran
St. Paul Education Regional Division No. 1 award for Grade 9 Academic Standing – Tia Lowry