The library is open Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., with the first two hours of Tuesday reserved for seniors and vulnerable shut-ins. Plexiglas ‘sneeze guards’ and a forest of signs are in place, along with directional arrows and social distancing decals on the floor, to keep both staff and patrons safe. Staff at the circulation desk will be wearing masks, masks will be available for patrons that wish to use one, and everyone entering the library will be required to use the hand sanitizer provided in the entryway.
A maximum of four patrons will be allowed into the library at one time, for a maximum of 20 minutes to make their selections, and must deposit any materials they look at but are not checking out into a bin to be quarantined before returning to the shelves. All returned materials must enter the library through the outdoor book return. No one under the age if 15 will be allowed in the library at this time.
The library’s computers are not available at this time, with just one laptop available for a 20-minute time slot by appointment only. This laptop will be disinfected between users.
Summer Reading Program
The library’s Summer Reading Program begins next week, and program coordinator Dakota Havener has provided this update on how the program will work this year:
The Summer Reading Program is happening virtually this year and many people have questions as to how it is going to work. The kids are divided into three groups, group one is for kids eight and nine, group two are kids 10 to 12 years old, and group three are kids 13 to 15.
The program will begin on Tuesday, July 14 and will go for about six weeks. The last day to register is July 8th. Your child must be between the ages of eight and 15 to participate. If the child is turning eight at any point while the program is in progress they will be allowed to participate.
The program will be divided up into three two-week periods. Each two-week period will have one book to read, an outdoor activity that will not be age dependent, and one craft to complete. The books and crafts the child receives are dependent on the age of the child. Kids that are registered will have a box of items that will be needed to participate in the program that can be picked up at the library at a later date. The boxes will have all the craft supplies that the kids are able to keep, instructions for the crafts, and the outdoor activity. Each box will also have a summer reading program event, book return and Google Meets schedule.
Kids can also use the TD Summer Reading Club Website as well as the Alberta Summer Reading Club website and sign up online for other activities they can do throughout the summer and watch videos of special guests.
To register your child for the Virtual Summer Reading Program or just general inquiry about the program: Call Dakota at the library at 780-727-3737 or email at [email protected].