Using different investigative techniques, including a bait trap, Smoky Lake RCMP were able to seize several items that had been reported stolen, along with over 30 firearms, and have laid charges against one person.
SMOKY LAKE - Using different investigative techniques, including a bait trap, Smoky Lake RCMP were able to seize several items that had been reported stolen, along with over 30 firearms, and have laid charges against one person.
On March 19, "Smoky Lake RCMP conducted an investigation for stolen property due to the high crime within the County of Smoky Lake," according to information released by RCMP. The property was tracked onto a farmyard within the County of Smoky Lake.
A search warrant was obtained for the property and the RCMP seized a 2013 Skidoo, a trailer, a 2006 Chevrolet pick-up truck, and about 35 firearms.
Speaking with media on March 25, Smoky Lake RCMP Detachment Commander Sgt. Anita Doktor acknowledged a "spike" in property-related crime in the area.
RCMP started investigations and found correlations between the crimes and the items reported stolen. This lead RCMP to use several techniques, including a bait trap.
"We are trying to fight this crime," said Doktor.
She spoke about how property crime can "impact the community," and noted that the RCMP sees fighting property related crimes as a priority. When asked where the seized items had been reported stolen from and if they came from outside the area, she noted that the truck seized was stolen from Fort Saskatchewan.
Doktor also stated that Smoky Lake RCMP work in partnership with other surrounding detachments and units, sharing information when it comes forward.
Speaking to the type of properties being affected by crime, Doktor noted that seasonal properties, or properties that are not being lived in, seem to be targeted.
RCMP encourage residents to use security cameras and other crime prevention measures, such as good outdoor lighting. While security footage may not solve a crime, it can give police a starting point. Residents can contact Smoky Lake RCMP if they would like more information about Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design.
Gregory Huk, 25, a resident of Smoky Lake, was the homeowner of the property and was charged with possession of stolen property, careless storage of a firearm, prohibited weapons, and possession of a firearm while unauthorized.
Huk was taken before a Justice of the Peace and remanded in custody. He is scheduled to appear in court in Boyle on March 25.
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