Thank you for your service ... it IS appreciated!
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Well, according to Premier Smith (who also made a direct plea for Election interference from a country who is engaged in a Trade War against us), the most aligned with Trump is Poilievre ... not unlike what Trump stated back in a January interview.
Make of this what you will, but if you want somebody to actually stand UP to Trump, and if you ARE Canadian ...
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Of what value is an investigation of missing Hens when conducted by the Fox ..?
" ... overall control remains with the government". Sure, because THAT lends credibility!
Everyone involved need step down until the matter is resolved, and/or - to quote Danielle Smith’s preferred response when she has federal issues: "Call an election!"
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Meanwhile, the VERY profitable O&G industry in Canada (about 70% foreign owned, where roughly three of every four dollars earned leaves Canada to pad the accounts of foreign - largely US, shareholders), has paid an Industrial Carbon Tax of roughly 7% that of Consumer rates over the past two decades.
Additionally, living in rural Alberta - receiving the highest Carbon Tax rebates anywhere in Canada, and being part of the roughly 80% of Canadians receiving a rebate, I will - unlike the richest 20%, spend this money rather than hoarding it because it is ever more essential to my well being, thereby actively investing further in Canada's daily (and local) economy; AND, given its proven reduction in GHGs - some 5-10% to date (with up to a third by 2030), therefore benefit myself, the local economy, AND act as one small step in addressing Climate Change (Athabasca’s average yearly temperature having increased by +2C between the years 1951 and 2017 already) ... so, Win-Win-Win!
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Given that the UCP-appointed AHS Board itself recommended taking this issue to the RCMP (at which point they were summarily fired by Order in Council - meaning a decision originating from the office of Danielle Smith), in conjunction with the already tarnished history of this relationship with Alberta Ministers following the Tylenol scam, hockey tickets, et al ... AND that two members of this family are currently paid Policy Advisors (one to Rebecca Schultz and the other to Brian Jean) while at least one of them is simultaneously ALSO a Board Member of MHCare Medical – part of the same parent company with whom more than $600 million in contracts were obtained, it behooves multiple OPEN and PUBLIC investigations – reporting NOT to the Premier alone as she requested, if this is to avoid becoming a precedent setting level of questionable practices. Ministerial resignations followed by the calling of an election seems appropriate.
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The nice thing about being a Canadian “First” is that the size of the "Out-Group-Others" is proportionally smaller (giving me a great many more optional locales within which to “feel-at-home”), whilst also increasing the size of my "family" – better security, more options within a larger context (the very definition of “Freedom”), and the feeling of being part of something larger (that old ‘60s High School phrase coming to mind: “Small world - Small mind.”) ... yeah, I like that.
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Does Danielle Smith NOT understand that Trump – possessing a zero-sum world view (there are ONLY winners and losers), coupled with a substantive record of cheating, lying, and succumbing to whim, while demonstrating neither respect for for those he deems weaker nor for the agreements he has previously made, is a Bully; and WHAT do we know about trying to appease Bullies?
Danielle Smith – as usual, makes things worse.
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First rule in confronting Authoritarianism:
"Do NOT obey in advance."
And that - Marlaina, means NOT showing up at his inauguration!
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Given that the 100 top-paid CEOs earned on average 246 times more than the average worker did in 2022, while in 1998 they earned 104 times more, (344 times as much as a typical US worker in contrast to 1965 when they were paid 21 times as much - that “Golden Age” when a single family income and a graduated Income Tax system provided a Middle Class life); AND, given that one of the leading historical causes of societal breakdown and the collapse of both empires and civilizations has been growing inequality (why invest of oneself into society when ever less return becomes normalized), perhaps we should be concerned ..?
So, by the time I post this – January 2nd, 2025, at 10:54 a.m., “ … the average CEO on the list has already made $62,661 — the average annual income for a Canadian worker.” Right … perhaps some Thomas Picketty, and observing the manifest powers of Elon Musk and the Oligarchs will make clear where this is heading – NOT a place of joy
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No listings have been posted by Terry Korman
More of this VERY un-Canadian "Premier" and her infantile and self-serving idea to attend a Florida Conference hosted by an "extremist, Islamophobic organization that denies the history of American slavery" while supporting the annexation of Canada as the 51st state! THIS, while her co-speaker - "Ben Shapiro, has suggested Canada could become the “Puerto Rico” of the north, and that Canadians shouldn’t be allowed to vote in American elections."
Canada is best supported by a united front - one province within a united country, and this does ANYTHING but that! Could she PLEASE just resign, and/or call an election!
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