Unfortunately our Premier loves oil and gas and really doesn't care much about the rest of the industries in the province. As for municipalities remember the UCP gave themselves the power to just come in and fire the elected municipal officials for perceived wrongdoing. Now they have offloaded a huge amount of education tax collecting to the municipalities as well, meanwhile the oil companies that do not pay their taxes walk away laughing!!
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It is extremely troubling that the UCP does not feel it necessary to listen to the majority of Albertans and just plows ahead with anything they decide to do. They do not appear to be concerned by the legitimate concerns of the people, Why? Is it the smugness that comes from polls saying Smith is popular? who are they polling? Only UCP supporters? No one has asked me.
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This is true. We have some very excellent care here in StPaul. The Edmonton emergency rooms are overwhelmed.
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The trade war has nothing to do with the budget, It was created before the Trump chaos took effect. You need a better excuse.
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Sorry to hear this. unfortunately Trumps chaos is causing much hurt all over the world, Maybe he will have a Jesus moment and stop the destruction?
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Actually I disagree with the comment on the Trudeau catch and release program, this is an Alberta court system decision not a federal one.
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Big oil is being favored over all other industries in Alberta. The premier makes no secret of this favoritism, Why can't the brilliant oil companies find a better solution to the problem they created than polluting the underground of our province?
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The Alberta energy regulator seems to be very biased toward oil based projects and not so much for green energy.
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Unfortunately for Ukraine Trump doesn't care what happens to the country. HE only cares about making himself look like the tough guy who can make things happen. Sadly, Ukraine has not achieved NATO membership which would have made Putin think twice before he invaded a country that only wants to survive and thrive. Trump is bad for democracy everywhere in the world, including ours. I am hoping that things will turn around soon for the Ukraine.
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