Tariffs on, tariffs off. Coal mining on, coal mining off. From obfuscation to outright lies. The UCP and ol'beady eyes has to go. Good grief if you're not concerned about drinking water above some dirty coal money. What's next?
5 1 0
Well at least the liberals are on board with all that now. And I do like my federal dental plan.
1 0 0
Wow, I think they said that Deepwater Horizon in the Gulf of Mexico had fantastic seals and safety controls. Then oops, not so much. I think we are way past being duped by big oil. They can't even clean up old well sites anymore and no one does anything about it.
7 0 0
Indeed, "Republican" means little more that trolls and worm brains these days.
11 1 1
Unbelievable. We have no "competent " doctors around here, people are not getting standard meds they have been using for years and this yahoo wants to take a billion out of the system to buy a few votes. You can't make it up. UCP you are useless.
7 3 0
Yup, gut the AHS, complain that they are not keeping up with surgeries as they move resources and funding to private facilities and then blame it on the now gutted AHS. Only Danielle S. can pull that one off. And lets not forget she continues to LIE to us all.
2 0 0
OMG, the corruption never stops.
11 5 0
The UCPs radical dismantling of our health care system is a travesty. And now for the coverup. Stay tuned.
7 0 0
This government continues to play with peoples lives. When common meds for seniors is now on BACKORDER you're in big trouble. Now its our eyes. The UCP continues to show its true colours. A total disregard for the health and welfare of the people that voted them in. Go figure.
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Oil and gas, the richest most destructive industry ever!! and they won't pay to clean up their mess. Way to go Alberta.
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