I am against getting rid of deer and I fully support the point of view of the people expressing the same opinion here. I do have a concern however with the new fences erected by the railroad downtown. This looks like a trap for a deer that would be stuck in there while looking for food. There is no possible exit and the deer will panic and get injured or killed by the train. Why is this fence erected and who is it supposed to protect??
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Thank you Mr Olson well said!
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I agree 100% with that statement. This article is a little bit like a person coming to your home and complaining because you are in it. Realize the impact of you being here and deer do not wreck havoc n gardens if you put adequate fences, they are part of the surroundings and it is up to us who are invading their land and living spaces to learn to live with them not the opposit.
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No listings have been posted by Gaston Schaeffer
It is infuriating that the oil and gas companies allow themselves to act that way, but municipalities are also partly at fault for waiting until such an outrageous summ has accumulated before sounding the alarm. If anyone of us were to do the same thing with our finances the banks would be in the same situation as the municipalities. Of course it is a huge burden, but don't municipalities have fiscal responsibilities as well to check where the tax status of the companies are and close them down if the bill is not paid? Just an opinion !
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