A few good Samaritans reunited a family on the streets of St.
A few good Samaritans reunited a family on the streets of St. Paul last Friday, as Mike Presley, Marcel Martin and David Warholik went out of their way to ensure a gaggle of goslings met up with their parents at Lagasse Park after being separated on main street.
Presley and Martin were working at Smyl Motors at around 11 a.m. when they saw the gaggle strolling down 44 St. and approaching 50 Ave., with Mama Goose and Papa Goose leading the way.
“We saw them coming down here, and immediately we came out knowing they were going to try to cross the road,&” said Presley, adding it wasn't long before traffic on main street separated the parents from their offspring. “The parents took off and almost got smoked by a semi and took off, and then the ducklings tried to cross, so we chased them into the road and brought them back this way and I was able to herd them over the curb.&”
Martin said that Friday's encounter wasn't a first, as families of geese are quite often seen making the trek to Upper Therien Lake at Lagasse Park when the warm weather arrives, but normally they all stick together.
“I've stopped traffic here before,&” said Martin. “Usually we can bring them right to the lake, we herd them to the lake and then they're okay.&”
With the parents out of sight, separated from their little ones by the heavy flow of traffic, Warholik grabbed a cardboard box from across the street and brought it over to the small gaggle of baby geese, and the group collected the goslings.
“I'm surprised (the parents) took off,&” said Presley. “You can't have a bunch of little ducklings without any parents.&”
Once they had the small gaggle herded up, Martin grabbed his truck, and took Presley, Warholik and the baby geese off to find their parents.
“I took my half tonne truck and picked up the two boys. We had the (goslings) in a box and we took them down to Lagasse Park, and the parents were sitting there on the grass just waiting. So we emptied the box and the parents took them and headed for the lake. There was only 100 yards or so to go.&”