ST. PAUL – The County of St. Paul visited a series of schools last week, bringing over snowploughs/graders that elementary classes recently helped name.
The visits were part of the County's "Snow Plow Naming Contest," where the municipality invited students in St. Paul and area schools to name the County's graders. A total of 60 names were submitted, and the County needed 21 names total.
Teacher Juanita Labant's Grade 3 class at Glen Avon School successfully chose two names for the machines – "Snow Destroyer" and "Big Push."
Thanking the County of St. Paul for the visit on Friday, Labant said it was an opportunity for the students to learn about the equipment used to maintain roads within the municipality.
"As I am from the County myself and grew up a farm girl, I could see the importance of these big machines," she said.
Looking toward the excited kids examining Snow Destroyer - a decal with the name clearly visible on the large, yellow machine - Labant said seeing the machine sparked interest in some of the students.
"A couple of my boys were very excited, they said now they can see if they want to be a big equipment operator."
Alice Scooper
Darth Blader
Grader Expectations
Scoop Dog
David Plowie
The Termi-grader
Plough Force One
Winter Warrior
Spreadie Mercury
Spreddie Van Halen
Go Go Plower Ranger
Tow Grater
The Abominable Snowgrater
Plowy McPlowtruck
Blizzard Boyz
Snow Way!
St. Paul Slush Buster
Big Push
Snow Destroyer